Pokemon low key toxtricity 106418-What is the difference between low key and amped toxtricity
Pokemon Sword & Shield Toxtricity Evolution – Low Key & Amped Toxtricity is one of the pokemon in Pokemon Sword & Shield It's the evolved version of Toxel, a toxic and electric monster that first appeared in this generationView strategies and more for ToxtricityLowKey on the Smogon Strategy PokedexPunk Rock Boosts the power of soundbased moves The Pokémon also takes half the damage from these kinds of moves Minus Boosts the Sp Atk stat of the Pokemon if an ally with the Plus or Minus Ability is also in battle Technician (Hidden) Powers up the Pokemon's weaker moves Pokemon Toxtricity Low Key Form Takara Tomy 2 Moncolle Box 3 Figure What is the difference between low key and amped toxtricity
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